Torrefazione Minuto Caffè in Albaro

In 2015 we have realized that we are living a special time for the coffee world in general and for our roasting in particular: the technological evolution of the single dose coffee capsule and the power of the Internet of accelerating the sharing of tasting experiences of that drink were the basis for a new model of shop, capable of intriguing the coffee lovers with something they had never tasted.

The moment had come for Minuto Cafiè to go beyond the borders of the town of Savona, where it had been founded, so that the innovative potential we wanted to express could have a much wider stage: the project Torrefazione Minuto Caffè in Albaro, in the city of Genoa, was born.
The hedonistic experience offered by the Torrefazione begins hundreds of meters before the treshold, thanks to the heady aroma of roasted coffee coming from the inside roaster: this revolutionary machine can roast in a few minutes your preferred coffee selection, adjusted for any preparation of the drink, from italian espresso to coffee for moka or neapolitan coffee maker, from coffee for percolator conÌmon in nothem Europe and U.S. to turkish coffee.

After going inside. you can immediately see coffee capsules in many sizes and blends that, if you wish, you can also buy in assorted bags; adjusted light spots drive you to the ground coffee or grain coffe packets, to the automatic coffee machines ,the professional espresso machines, the percolators for the filter coffee, to the reference guides and not to be missed texts about the coffee world.
The tour goes on downstairs, where in an equipped room apprentice bartender and mere coffee lovers improve their techniques of preparation of espresso and cappuccino and leam the art of tasting the drink.
Your guide through this temple of special coffee will be our coffee guru, who, with competence and care will advice you about your coffee and the best tools to make it.