Minuto Caffè partner of Acqua Minerale di Calizzano at Cibus 2018

We are proud to announce that the Minuto Caffè bartenders will be joining forces with the Acqua Minerale di Calizzano team at the well known Ligurian water producer’s stand at the Cibus International Fair from the 7th to the 10th of May 2018 in Parma.

Minuto Caffè Fiera internazionale Cibus - Padova 7/10 maggio 2018 padiglione 4 stand C029

Booth C029, Padillion 04:  to celebrate the event’s occasion and along with it the brand new ‘PIN UP’ glass bottle, Acqua Minerale di Calizzano’s guests will be delighted by an excellent espresso coffee AFTER having tasted the wonderful mineral water hailing from Bauda Springs.  We take pleasure in highlighting AFTER, because a glass of good water represents the perfect preparation for tasting espresso coffee;  it frees the taster’s palate from any lingering flavours present in the mouth, but mustn’t ever act as cover for a mediocre or badly prepared espresso or be used to rinse the mouth of aftertaste.

Acqua Minerale di Calizzano and Minuto Caffè have many characteristics in common that will highlighted during the Cibus festival:  first and foremost being that they both share strong roots in the Ligurian territory, specifically in Savona, where lies a long tradition rich in passion and dedication for their products.  These values are the best quality guarantee that our clients could ask of us.  Furthermore, both companies want to focus their leading products’ attention on the “out-of-home market”, specifically on that of catering and food services.

Acqua Minerale di Calizzano presents a preview of the new ‘Pin Up’ glass bottle, designed for the highest quality restaurants: a well-struck balance between traditional company values and necessary structural elegance are the key ingredients to having created this new mix in design bottles, conceived of by Studio Gallea’s design team.  Its highly identifiable look, that was created in tight coordination with the Calizzano management team, brings back a sense of familiarity, elegance and modernity.  Extra-white glass, elegant, refined and eye-catching.  The essential labelling exhalts the overall packaging quality, helping to build an exclusive image.  Metallic grey for sparkling and metallic bronze for still ensure an unmistakable style.

Minuto Caffè Fiera internazionale Cibus - Padova 7/10 maggio 2018 padiglione 4 stand C029

If real espresso coffee represents a fitting end to a quality lunch, then every restaurateur must always be prepared to offer up espressos that are consistently excellent, unleashing all of the blend’s most desired attributes, even if the number of coffees prepared daily is lower than in a caffe-bar.  How often have we pitiably heard restaurant customers make the comment “great dinner, such a shame the coffee ruined it”.

This is why here at Minuto Caffè we believe that the espresso cap is today’s winning answer for restaurateurs.  We have invested in a brand-new packaging line that will be installed in our factory in May 2018, allowing us to both accurately control extraction parameters in the minutest of detail and also guarantee our clients uninterrupted product supply.  Our Minuto Caffè Espresso Love 100% Arabica Blend in ‘Lavazza Espresso Point’*-compatible caps has already been honoured with the 2016 International Coffee Tasting Gold Medal, so all we can do from here is try to get better and better!

Minuto Caffè Espresso Love 100% Arabica Fiera internazionale Cibus - Padova 7/10 maggio 2018 padiglione 4 stand C029

Restaurateurs can also depend on us for the caps-compatible coffee maker that we supply:  it is  professional, italian-made, high-performance and highly adaptable thanks to single and double-cap support; moreover it is fitted with an independent steam boiler, electric cupwarmer, and two stainless-steel steam wands.  Our espresso coffee is extracted to perfection due to PID sensor temperature control and a specially-made group infusor.  All of this and it consumes less than 2 kW at 220V and requires no connection to water mains, while sitting at only 45 centimeters wide.

Have we aroused your curiosity?  Well then drop by to see us at Cibus Parma, Stand C029 Padillion 04, Acqua Minerale di Calizzano Fonti Bauda. We’ll be waiting!

*The quoted brands belong to their legitimate owners. Advised compatibility of Minuto Caffè servings is not intended to prevent customers from using the original ones. There is no legal or commercial relationship between Minuto Caffè and the legitimate owners of the above mentioned brands.